New Application? No Problem, And No Paralegals.
For certain types of disability claims, it may be possible to assist a claimant in filing a brand new application, filling out the very first forms used to communicate and interact with Social Security, and all the documents and papers and appeals that come next.
Do we do that here at CHK? Absolutely.
Do we use paralegals or other staff members to file these applications for you? Absolutely not. At CHK you will always have a highly experienced attorney working with you on your new application.
Especially in some cases, it may be very important to have the assistance of an experienced attorney to describe your medical conditions, outline all of your medical sources, and explain to Social Security in terms they understand exactly why they should find that you are “disabled.”
In order to assist with a new application, we will provide you with documents for completion — these documents will help you to organize the basic information your lawyer will need to communicate with Social Security. We will schedule an office appointment, if you are available for one, to meet face to face with your lawyer and to flesh out the important issues in your case. Next, we will assist in working with Social Security to complete the application and documents which will build your strongest claim for disability.
Along the way, we may need your help to stay up to date and to keep the Administration informed of medical developments in your case, but reaching out to us is as easy as a phone call or email.
If you would like to know if your case is one that we can handle from the very beginning, please call or email to discuss.
And if your claim has already been denied, we can still help you build your strongest claim for disability — call or email us to discuss that too!